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Position of May 1st, 2023.

Dear comrades, The Ukrainian political party Derzhava, banned by the neo-Nazi government of Ukraine, appeals to you on this solemn day of struggle for workers’ rights, on the day of…

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Request for supply «Apparatus de Helium inspiratio»

To receive humanitarian aid in the form of “Apparatus para terapia de Helium inspiratio”, please fill out this form:

The Paris Declaration

Political Party DERZHAVA supports the following declaration that was introduced on Friday of October 14-th, 2022, when representatives gathered in Paris launched the programme of the newly formed World Anti-Imperialist…

Declaration of Protection of the People of Ukraine

We, the multinational people of Ukraine, proceed from the fact that all people are equal and endowed with rights that no one can to alienate. Such rights include the right…

The course of the Ukrainian people

Not indifferently watching what is happening in Ukraine, as the head of the Ukrainian political party “Derzhava”, banned by Zelensky, I believe that a public discourse about the future of…

The main website derzhava.org.ua was blocked

After the unlawful of the Derzhava Party, the bank accounts were frozen, the domain of the official website derzhava.org.ua was blocked, and the hosting and applications on Google Play and…

Illegal ban on the political party Derzhava

On June 14, 2022, the Eighth Administrative Court in city of Lviv ruled in case No. P/857/4/22 to close the Derzhava Party. The Derzhava party considers the rule of the…

Manifesto of the Communist Party

Manifesto of the Communist Party Manifesto of the Communist Party (marxists.org)