• Sat. May 18th, 2024

Month: May 2023

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  • NATO is killing the children of Donbass.

NATO is killing the children of Donbass.

On the dark night of May 25-26, Ukrainian neo-Nazis, led by NATO generals, again used heavy artillery to inflict terrible blows on the civilian population of the Donbas region. To…

Letter to churches.

Dear brothers and sisters, We are writing to you on behalf of the Ukrainian Party Derzhava, banned by the neo-Nazi government of NATO in Ukraine. As you know, the destruction…

Help with fire extinguishers

Огнетушитель порошковый ОП-2(з) (класс А, В, С)Огнетушитель ОП-2 это закачное противопожарное средство, которое имеет запорное устройство, обеспечивающее беспрепятственное открытие и закрытие и индикатор для проведения визуального контроля за давлением в…

The great victory day, May 9.

Dear comrades, On May 9, on the solemn day of Great Victory over nazi criminals, we will remember all those who died during the difficult war, and all those who…

NATO killed the “Mother from Gorlovka”.

On July 27, 2014, NATO neo-Nazis committed a crime by killing the “Mother from Gorlovka”.  On this day, the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, under the leadership of NATO, launched and within 2…

The first airstrike.

The first airstrike is one of many crimes committed by Ukrainian neo-Nazis against civilians. The crime was committed on June 2, 2014 in the city of Lugansk, near the building…

NATO neo-Nazis are killing children

The shells that NATO supplies to Ukrainian neo-Nazis are killing civilians every day. More about how NATO is killing children in Ukraine can be found here: https://alleyaangelov.ru/en/

Assistance with helium therapy

Purpose:          Saving lives of wounded and fast recovery. Tasks:                Provide an availability in hospitals of helium therapy.                           Therapy and rehabilitation processes in medical care with “Apparatus para terapia de…

Congratulations May 1, 2023.

Friends, I congratulate everyone on Workers’ Day. Exactly two years ago, on this bright holiday, we publicly began the activities of our socialist party “Derzhava” in Ukraine. After all, in…